Comment ça marche ?

within 40 minutes you will done.

Registration in our Platform giveing you access to the most people planning their coming travels. We will assist you connect with travelers seeking what you have to offers and provide reservation tools, insight and support so you can spend more time delighting guests.

1- identify yourself

5 minutes on average

Tell us about you and your property and we’ll invite you to create a listing.

What we need you to provide us?

Property address
Property type (hotel, home, apartment, etc.), selected from a drop-down menu
Number of individual spaces that can be booked at each property

2- Enrollment

3 minutes on average

Next step , we’ll send you an email to verify your account and ask you to login into our secure platform. From there, you can review our standard business terms, including the compensation percentage (paid only when you have bookings) and ways to get paid.

What we need you to provide us?

Have any tax and regulatory information ready if required by your local government

3- Build your listing

30 minutes on average

After we received your form,  within 1-7 days we will send a link to your registered email which you provided us, and you will login to your account on our platform and describe your property. We’ll prompt you for the detail travelers want about the rooms, grounds and amenities you offer. The information you enter will save automatically, so it’s easy to come back if you don’t have all the answers.

What we need you to provide us?

All details about rooms—layout, bed size, etc.
A list of available amenities—from Wi-Fi to swimming pools
Rates by type of room
Pictures of rooms, common spaces and amenities
A list of fees, deposits and policies
The dates you’re available to welcome guests

Great ! The last step.....

4- Welcome guests

Your property will be online on our platform very soon and available to millions of travelers researching trips in our website. When you receive a booking, you’ll be able to message the guest, providing and requesting information to help you anticipate needs and streamline check-in.

Why Choose Us?

Whether you’re brand new to listing or already have your property online, you’re in the right place.® offers expertise crafted over 15 years in the business and a global team that’s serious about getting you bookings.

Set the rules you want and we’ll guarantee that guests have read and confirmed them before they’re able to book.

Welcome the guests you feel comfortable having at your property. Take control over who books by adding prerequisites such as a verified phone number and address.

We take the security of your property very seriously. In the rare case that something goes wrong, you can instantly report a guest’s misconduct and block them from making future bookings with you and other hosts.

Our large team of partner support agents are available 24/7 and in 43 languages if you need to get in touch with us.

Worrying about something valuable in your property? You can set a damage deposit to give yourself an extra feeling of security.

Find the right guests for your property by setting the criteria they must meet to book – like having a verified phone number.

Quelques chiffres

Nous vous garantissons de partager votre bien avec :  

Des pays
50 K+
100 M
1 K+
Site d'annonces en ligne

Vous donner le contrôle lors de l'accueil des invités

Commencez à héberger en toute confiance.Les petites propriétés méritent un grand public.